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The efforts of UndocuScholars are to engage institutional agents, college and university students, scholars, and community advocacy partners to create and further build on sustainable and effective best practices for undocumented youth in higher education.


About Us

As an extension of the UndocuScholars Project launched in 2014 at UCLA, the ongoing efforts of UndocuScholars is to engage institutional agents, college and university students, scholars, and community advocacy partners to create and further build on sustainable and effective best practices for undocumented youth in higher education. 




Engage and assist undocumented youth in their educational trajectories to strengthen the educational pipeline by teaching students research skills, providing graduate school application assistance, and connecting students with an undocumented alumni network.





Connect community and advocacy organizations with scholars to build research and data capacity in the best interest of the participating organizations’ goals. 




Mobilize higher education institutions to share and build best practices to effectively assist undocumented youth in an ever-changing political climate.